About Mike



Mike Donahue has 45 years of experience in public safety encompassing the fields of fire investigation, law enforcement, hazardous materials emergency response, and occupational safety and health training and education. Mike served as a member of the IAAI Occupational Safety and Health Committee and the NFPA 921 Safety Task Force. He previously worked for several federal government agencies and private sector organizations where he served as an investigator and a subject matter expert for fire investigator safety and health-related issues and hazardous materials emergency response.

Mike held investigative and management positions in the federal government’s Inspector General Community and previously served as a federal agent and law enforcement training specialist with the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), and a municipal police officer in Rockville, Maryland. Mike holds a B.S. degree in Fire and Arson Investigation from the University of Maryland and served as an Adjunct Professor in the Fire Science and Emergency Services Program at Montgomery College for 30 years where he taught basic and advanced courses in fire and arson investigation. He has authored more than 50 articles dealing with various fire investigation, hazardous materials, and fire scene safety and health-related subjects. Mike is the author of Safety and Health Guidelines for Fire and Explosion Investigators published by the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA), and most recently, Occupational Health and Safety Guidance for Fire and Explosion Investigators|A 12-Step Program for Transforming the Health and Safety of Fire and Explosion Investigators which is available on Amazon Books and Barnes and Noble.